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The Lost King

Check out the stunning cover for The Lost King: Wings of Valenia Book Two! We are ecstatic about the art for this action-packed sequel to


Meet the Author: Michael Loyd Gray

Today we welcome author Michael Loyd Gray, whose novella will be published in early 2025. We’re excited for you to learn more about him and


Meet the Author: Peter J. Dellolio

Please join us in welcoming another new author to Type Eighteen Books! Peter J. Dellolio has published three poetry collections (A Box Of Crazy Toys, Bloodstream


Meet the Author: Tracy Wise

We’re thrilled to introduce another member of the Type Eighteen Books family. Meet Tracy Wise, whose novella will be published in early 2025. Here’s some


Cover Reveal: THE DARK ROAD

We’re thrilled to share with you the evocative cover for THE DARK ROAD, the psychological thriller by debut author Kathleen Rhodes coming to you on


Launch Day for The Swan Harp!

Today’s the day! The Swan Harp is fully launched, and we’re excited for everything to come for this book, this author, and this wonderful YA


Award News: Things to See in Arizona

We’re thrilled to announce that our first release, Things to See in Arizona, has been named as a finalist in the Teen Fiction category for