Category: Uncategorized


Meet the Author: Micah Thorp

Today we welcome author Micah Thorp, a physician, writer, and lifelong Oregonian. We’re thrilled to be publishing his third novel (more info coming soon!) next


The Lost King is out today!

Today’s the day! Enter the magical world of the Wings of Valenia fantasy series and get your copy of the second book in the trilogy


Launch day for THE DARK ROAD!

Congratulations to author Kathleen Rhodes on the launch of her debut novel, THE DARK ROAD. This book has been having some kind of effect on

Cover Reveal: THE DARK ROAD

We’re thrilled to share with you the evocative cover for THE DARK ROAD, the psychological thriller by debut author Kathleen Rhodes coming to you on


Launch Day for The Swan Harp!

Today’s the day! The Swan Harp is fully launched, and we’re excited for everything to come for this book, this author, and this wonderful YA