About Us

Impactful, Nuanced Storytelling.

Type Eighteen Books publishes inspiring and innovative writing—well-crafted, well-considered stories with the potential to change lives. By prioritizing literary excellence and searching out a wide range of voices, our goal is to share books that will entertain, resonate, and enrich our collective human experience.

Message from the founder

Welcome Home.

Why Type Eighteen Books? Why now? I’ve been fortunate to have novels published by both a Big Five publisher and a dedicated indie press. I’m grateful, also, to be part of a wide network of writer friends—self-published, traditionally published, and those published by a range of hybrid publishers. What we all want, we authors, is to find a home for our writing where our efforts are understood, appreciated, and shared.

I founded Type Eighteen Books as a home for fiction that demonstrates a love of language and a mastery of its tools, stories with empathy and a striving for understanding, and attention to what my favorite author, Kent Haruf, called the “precious ordinary.” The most powerful stories are the ones that make readers feel seen, that cause them to say, “I have also felt that way.” Often, these types of books are labeled literary fiction but sometimes they are labeled something else. We’d also like to be a home for “something else” books—stories that have been neglected by traditional publishers because of experimentations with form, intent, or…something else.

The highest aims of Type Eighteen Books are to partner with writers under complete transparency, to support our books and their authors with enthusiasm and concerted effort, and to contribute to our shared storytelling experience by listening to unforgettable voices and providing the means for them to tell their great stories.

Mary Vensel White

Our Team

Katie Schwab

Editorial Assistant

A NorCal native, Katie graduated in 2023 from Pace University in New York City with her Master’s degree in Publishing. A life-long lover of stories, she’s rarely without a book in hand; her favorite genres include literary and LGBTQ+ fiction, as well as romantic comedies, mystery/thrillers, and narrative nonfiction. She is delighted to lend her editorial eye to the stories and art coming to life at Type Eighteen Books.

Patty Uy

Editorial Assistant

As a proofreader and editor, Patty helps writers view their work through the lens of a reader. Her preferred genre is fiction (literary, YA, sci fi, fantasy), and she also works with authors on business and healthcare topics. Patty holds a B.A. degree from Bates College and an M.B.A. from the University of California, Irvine. She was born and raised on the East Coast, but after four decades now calls Southern California home. 

Patty Uy
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Annabelle Aguirre

Copy Editor

Annabelle is a 3rd year attending the University of California – Irvine pursuing B.A.s in Korean Literature and Culture and Language Science. She aspires to be a Translator in the future while being a Copy Editor. As she gains experience with Type Eighteen Books, she hopes to expand her knowledge on editing fiction. She is a lover of romance, fantasy, and fiction, and hopes to edit some of her favorite genres.

Excellence in Craft.

Based in southern California and founded in 2023, Type Eighteen Books welcomes inquiries from writers of literary fiction and literary young adult fiction. How do we define “literary?” In short, writing that demonstrates excellence in craft and strikes a chord of universal emotion, empathy, or understanding.