The magical and action-packed sequel to The Swan Harp, this second book in the Wings of Valenia fantasy trilogy follows Princess Kiar as she harnesses her powers in the fight of a lifetime.
It is autumn in Valenia, and times are hard. The queen is no longer herself after the tragic events of the spring. Wild animals have ravaged crops, and Princess Kiar worries about a lean winter for the kingdom. After her sister Adana returns from the swanfolk with a cryptic warning from the Swan Queen, the nearby bog seems to take on a life of its own, and a young girl from an eastern farmstead brings news of a band of inhuman, seemingly invincible attackers. Local legend tells of mysterious bog-walkers, souls suspended between life and death and lurking between worlds.
Her father, the king, is wounded in battle, and the intruders seem to fear nothing and no one—except Kiar. But she cannot be everywhere at once. Along with her swanfolk friend, Willow, her future mate, the valiant and loyal Tuan, and a former enemy turned ally, Kiar enters the perilous heart of the bog to confront the dark magic within. Everything is at stake—the life of King Tir, her future as ruler, and the peace of Valenia.
“A royal family rallies against formidable creatures threatening their kingdom’s farmsteads in Creith’s YA fantasy, one in a series. Princess Kiar is already worried about the kingdom of Valenia’s upcoming winter as wildlife eats or tramples the realm’s crops. She’s further unnerved when her grandmother forwards a vague warning (“the past has come back”). This may be a reference to the kingdom’s bog, which is seemingly getting bigger and overtaking the pasture. Kiar feels a presence out in that bog, as if something is watching her and her loved ones, including her foster brother and romantic interest Tuan. Indeed, locals describe raiders resembling walking trees with an eerie “stiff-jointed” style of mobility invading their farmsteads, apparently after the livestock. These monstrous “bog-walkers” are difficult to take down, which Kiar and her family quickly learn during a confrontation that leaves King Tir seriously injured. Valenians aren’t the only ones under threat of the expanding bog; someone from northern enemy territory of Noermark asks for Kiar’s help. ..
Kiar and her family are a well-rounded bunch, most of them “swanfolk” with an ability to shift between swan and human forms. They find themselves in exhilarating battle scenes that require combat skills and shrewdness as well as magic. The bog-walkers are exceedingly creepy, even after the story illuminates their mysterious origin. A rousing first half is followed by a somewhat less-exciting second half and a noticeably prolonged final act. Nonetheless, the closing pages offer surprises and plenty of reasons to stick around for the upcoming finale. Memorable heroes and daunting villains headline this fantasy series’ thrilling sophomore installment.”—Kirkus Reviews
“A bold and dynamic fantasy thriller with well written characters and a compelling plot. Themes of family, betrayal, magic, and tragedy abound in a breathtaking adventure full of unexpected twists and turns. The Lost King is a stirring fantasy epic which features incredible worldbuilding and a glut of interesting characters. Steeped in the land of ancient fairytales and myths, Creith’s sensitively written characters are both intriguing and memorable…Princess Kiar is the focal point of the story, bravely confronting the perils of the dark magic contained within the bog. In addition there are several beautiful, gentle, yet powerful creatures and shapeshifters that round off and impressive array of supporting characters.”—BookLife, Publishers Weekly